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Difference between compiler and interpreter?

In this article, we will be going to see the difference between compiler and interpreter.

What is a compiler?

It is just a translater that converts high-level language code into machine language which means in binary language and we know machines understand only binary language.

Simple it is just one type of translator.

Now it is not necessary compiler will directly convert it into binary code. C and C++ are high-level languages that compilers execute the program.

For example, if a Programmer has written code in a high-level language written code we can call a source code so that the source code compiler will convert it into object code or maybe assembly code (it is one type of intermediate code.) Now intermediate code means it is not a final code.

Sometimes compiler will directly convert it into binary code. But in c and c++ languages, the compiler does not convert into binary code. It totally depends on which high language you use java use both translater.

What is an interpreter?

The interpreter is a translater that converts source code into binary code. So the main work of the interpreter is it always converts the programmer written source code into binary code.

Difference between compiler and interpreter

Compilers and interpreters are translater (or we can say one type of software ) that convert code from one computer language into another.

For example, a Compiler and interpreter are used in a high-level language to convert high-level language into machine-level language. It means it converts into binary language and we know computers understand only binary language.

There are many high-level languages that use both translater

  • C, C++ language use compiler
  • python, ruby, and Perl are some examples that use an interpreter
  • Java language can use both compiler and interpreter
It completely scans the whole program in a single run.It scans program line by line
While scanning the program if the error comes it will show together at the endWhile scanning if the error comes it shows on the spot
Programming language use c, c++, and javaProgramming languages use Python, Ruby, Perl, Java, etc
It runs faster than the interpreterIt takes more time because it scans code line by line
It converts the instructions into systematic codeIt doesn’t convert the instructions instead it directly works on the source language
Utilization of CPU is moreUtilization of CPU is less


Compilers and interpreters both have advantages and disadvantages. But both have the same work which is to convert high-level language to low-level language. I hope you understand the difference between compiler and interpreter

Also, Read Our Other Article What are Programming languages?

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